Littlethorpe Pottery in Yorkshire

Det är så längesedan nu så jag får gå lite bakåt i tiden. I maj månad åkte vi på en liten semester till vårt hus i Yorkshire. Vi hade planerat en massa kul att göra som man ju ska när man är ledig. Bland annat hittade vi till ett krukmakeri som jag hade sett i en bok som heter Country Pottery, Traditional Earthenware of Britain skriven av Andrew McGarva. Det fanns just runt hörnet, utanför Rippon.
It's a long time now so I have gone back in time a bit. I may we went on a little holiday to Yorkshire and had planned alot of nice things to do. Among it we visited a pottery just around the corner, just outside Rippon.
I had read about it in the great book Country Pottery, Traditional Earthenware of Britain by Anrew McGarva. At the end of the little bit about Littlethorpe it says: Littlethorpe remains perhaps the best preserved old pottery works which continues to function, with little of the fabric of the buildings having far.
Detta påminde mej om Raus där jag brukade jobba.
This reminds me of Raus where I used to work.
Fin ljus terracotta
Nice light terracotta
Från verkstan gick ett järnvägs spår ut mot skogen.
From the workshop, a railway line heading towards the woods.
Mot skogen
Towards the woods

Och runt hörnet...
And around the corner...
The clay pit!

Härlig lera!
Wonderful clay!
Ägaren Roland Curtis (jag tror det var han vi mötte) gav mej tillåtelse att ta med lite lera hem. Tack.
The owner Roland Curtis (at least I think it was him we met, apologies if it was not him) allowed me to pick some clay to bring home. Thank you. We loved our visit.



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